Run Your own Workshop

Would you like to run your own Mosaic Lamp Workshop?

Sultan's Treasure is looking for like minded art clubs and art teachers to start their own"Mosaic Lamp Art Class"

email us today

Are You a Regional Art Enthusiast or Art Entrepreneur?

We are now taking submissions for those enthusiastic art teachers/art schools who would like to add “Make your own Mosaic Lamp Workshop to their studios program.

Our flawless easy to deliver course is ready to purchase! –
“Make your Own Mosaic Lamp Course” has great returns!

Is a pleasure to teach and has the full support of an industry leader.
We have hosted 1000s of people in our course and know the tricks tips and pain points will all be packaged up for those committed teachers who wish to add to their already existing client base.

Please contact us at if you would be interested in hearing how we can make a profitable contribution to your business and start hosting such a rewarding art experience.

We Will Help You With Your Supplies

Sultan's Treasure's extensive stock and knowledge we will help you to run the classes and provide you with everything you need to start hosting this fantastic art endevour.